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Utah County Sparkle On business Owner is mother to 4 children and 3 are triplets

Hey There!

I’m Laura and I started Sparkle On almost 8 years ago. What began as a quick way to catch up on college debt transformed into a small business, providing jobs for college students and sponsoring an international family.

My hope is to keep your life sparkling, by taking care of your cleaning needs. Life can be busy. I get it. I have 2-yr old triplets and an 8-yr old! Yes, the triplets were a surprise. Yes, I am swamped & tired. And YES, I am the happiest I have ever been! Maria has been my saving grace and is the current manager of Sparkle On.

Sparkle On Cleaning Manager takes care of scheduling training and cleaning quality


My name is Maria

 I take care of scheduling, training, and quality of cleaning.

My husband and I are from Mexico. We have an adorable 1-year-old golden retriever mix. His name is Thor and he is crazy!

We adopted him as a puppy.


I’ll be glad to schedule your cleaning, please contact me if you have any questions. You can call or text me at 385-482-2842 or email me at

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